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Yoga In Nature by Whitney
It's Monday morning. The week is sure to bring many tasks, events, and schedules. You know that with optimal energy, you will be...
A good friend and healer (@sahshacampbellgarbutt) posted a video on Instagram teaching a beautiful Qi Gong technique. Filming outside,...
Restorative Practices Help Kids
Hey, my graduate program, the International Institute for Restorative Practices, released this video that documents the results of some...
Asset Based Community Development - ABCD
I read an inspiring article for my Restorative Practices and Community Health class. Mathie, A., Cameron, J., & Gibson, K. (2017)....
The Joys and Challenges of Birthing the AWC
I have experienced loneliness within myself, while in an intimate relationship, and even (especially) in a crowd. The phenomenon of...
Envisioning Our Dreams Complete
Hi Friends! In the past few days I've been listening to some wonderful teachings on manifestation. Books like "Mindpower", "Think and...
Not Being Double-Minded
I've recently become aware of a concept as old as the hills, but as relevant as anything ever was in my life. Â I have some intransigent,...
Dig in to what worked last year.
New Year's resolutions are great. It's wonderful to connect energetically to the desires of our hearts. To add to this powerful...
Envisioning the Finished Product
Hi Friends! In the past few days I've been listening to some wonderful teachings on manifestation. Books like "Mindpower", "Think and...
Patience with Others
I'm writing this blog post today to talk about how I'm coping with my frustration with the slow growth of another person. Through my 12...
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